What Are Porcelain Veneers?

The Invention of Porcelain Veneers In 1928, silent movies were the rage. Because an actor’s expression told much of the story, there was a need to create different facial looks. To assist Hollywood, Dr. Charles Pincus, a popular California dentist, developed temporary porcelain veneers. Eventually, Hollywood’s biggest stars realized these same veneers could give them … Continued

What Is Invisalign?

If the sight of a mouth full of metal braces terrifies you, but your natural smile isn’t much better, choose Invisalign. As the newest way to straighten teeth, Invisalign couldn’t be easier. In fact, you could have a more beautiful smile in as little as 6 months.  Certification You need a doctor who is certified … Continued

3 Options for Broken Teeth

Even though tooth enamel is the hardest substance in our body, it is still possible to chip or break. Sports injuries, nightly teeth grinding, clenching, and that big no-no, chewing ice, can all lead to cracked teeth. Your dentist is the only one who can fix a broken tooth.  Treatment depends on the type of … Continued

The History of Dental Crowns

Dentistry has had a storied past, from the Sumerians in 5000 B.C. writing about dental problems to today’s cosmetic dentistry. It is a fascinating (and a bit scary) history. We all remember tales of the local barber or blacksmith who added the dentist’s job to their duties. And of course, who can forget George Washington’s … Continued

Why Your Smile is Important to Your Success

The director of the Missouri Junior Miss competition wrapped up the first day’s activities with one statement, “Remember girls, your most important asset is your smile. Use it!” A great smile isn’t just for successful models and movie stars. Research says a healthy, happy smile is critical to everyone’s success. People who cover their mouths … Continued

What Are the Products that You Carry?

Columbia, MO Dental Office – Our Products The at-home dental products that we carry are specifically designed to help you with your home care needs and are compatible with our message of prevention. CariFree – oral rinse CariFree is company which produces high-quality, preventive products. At this time, we carry their CTx3 rinse and CTx2 … Continued

Do I Need to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Wisdom Teeth Removal – Columbia, MO People often ask if or why their wisdom teeth need to be removed, and even why they have wisdom teeth in the first place. Without going into the theories about why our jaws often don’t have the room required to accommodate wisdom teeth, the problem is generally that there … Continued

Will My Insurance Cover This?

Dental insurance does not typically function in the same way as health insurance. A more appropriate term for the product is a “dental benefit plan.” Often times, after a required deductible is met for that year, the plan will cover a certain percentage of allowed procedures up to a yearly maximum. The rate at which … Continued

What About My Cracked Tooth?

A cracked tooth can be a painful problem with an unpredictable future. Cracks can be very superficial and cause no symptoms or can be so extensive that a tooth extraction is required. Generally speaking, cracks always progress and worsen, but the rate of progression varies. We tend to see cracks associated with large fillings, but … Continued

Continuing Education: Kois Center in Seattle

As a Kois Center Graduate (www.koiscenter.com), Dr. Foote recently attended the Center’s annual symposium in Seattle. This was an incredible event and a great time to catch up with over 400 graduates from thirteen countries. Located on the shore of Lake Union, the Kois Center is a didactic and clinical program made up of nine … Continued